7 Celebrity Myths That People Still Believe.
7. Stevie Wonder isn't really blind
Some believe that the famous singer pretended to be blind just because he went to basketball games, bought a TV, and tried to catch a fallen microphone. Why Stevie Wonder would pretend to be blind for 67 years, though, is the only thing that conspiracy theorists can't understand.
6. Beyoncé was never pregnant
This story first appeared on an Australian television show during the singer's first pregnancy. Beyoncé was criticized for the fact that her outfit seemed to hide her pregnant belly. This deception provided tabloid fans with fodder for the bizarre idea that the singer was faking her pregnancy. Beyoncé has just given birth to two lovely twins and a 5-year-old daughter. This means that the singer's reproductive system is active.
5. Elder Marilyn Monroe 18
The figure of Marilyn Monroe is considered a cult figure. It has become a symbol of the ideal female body, and some even call it plus-sizing.On the other hand, Monroe's measurements show a different picture. In fact, they are very similar to the body shape of 36,24,36, which is widely known today. Evidence includes remnants of clothing from her and stylist profiles, which suggests the actress was wearing a size 8 shirt. Monroe's weight fluctuated, for example, throughout her pregnancy. But she was never obese. There was also a difference between then and now when it came to the size chart for apparel in the US
4. Lorde is 45 years old
The strange appearance of the New Zealand singer Lord has given rise to various assumptions about her real age. Some think the young artist is over 40, despite the fact that her debut record was released when she was just 17 years old. This is confirmed by her birth certificate, which states that she was conceived on November 7, 1996. Unfortunately, even this proof is not enough to persuade some individuals.
3. Michael Jackson is still alive.
When asked whether they believe that he died in 2009, Michael Jackson's fans insist he is alive. They amass facts and concoct complex conspiracy theories. For example, this photo was taken in Switzerland and is believed to be Michael Jackson. If you want to believe these theories, that is entirely up to you.
2. Mysteriously, Prince Charles is not really Prince Harry father
Princess Diana and her family have been the subject of various silly conspiracy theories over the years. The red-haired Prince Harry is no exception, James Hewitt is considered his biological father, not Prince Charles. But even if they weren't dating, he couldn't have fathered Princess Diana's younger son: Prince Harry had already been born by the time Hewitt met the Princess of Wales in 1981. Harry looks like Charles Spencer, Diana's brother, Harry's uncle. This is hardly unexpected given that children might occasionally resemble other relatives rather than their parents.
Cryogenic freezing was used to preserve his body so it might be reanimated in the far future when adequate technology would be available. This idea was most likely rumoured since Walt Disney died around the time cryogenics was created. This technique appears to have piqued the curiosity of the film producer. In fact, Walt preferred fire to ice. His ashes were cremated and interred in one of Los Angeles' memorial parks.
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